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Yoko | Travelling Tea Master

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I was born and raised in the bustling heart of Tokyo. My love for the Japanese Tea Ceremony started during a serene autumn day. As I stepped into a small, intimate tea room, I was greeted by the fragrance of incense, and the soft, rhythmic sounds of steaming water. My first sip of tea had a delightful bitterness that matched perfectly with the delicate sweets that were shaped like autumn leaves. 


Since that day, my journey has taken me to 9 countries. As travelling tea master, I dedicate myself to creating special moments for my guests. With a deep reverence for tradition, I invite you to join me in a Japanese Tea Ceremony; to be fully present in the moment, sincerely, and with mutual respect for those you foster meaningful relations with.

the Japanese
Tea Ceremony


Avenue Louis Lepoutre 69, 6B

1050 Ixelles, Belgium

Tel: +32 478 16 67 51

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